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Live step quality analysis:

- World first innovation

- Enhances performance

- Protects your body

- Maximizes every step


EVOLVE MVMT ankle wearable detects shock absorption.

In walking and running.

Why is shock absorption important, you ask?

Your steps can make or break your body and performance. Are you moving toward a healthy future or risking injury and osteoarthritis?

Protect. Perform. Perfect.

Unlock data that empowers you to reach your potential. Make changes to your exercise that are holding you back or risking injury.

Burn up to 36% More Calories

EVOLVE MVMT’s Light Walking enables you to exercise more effectively, helping you to reach your health goals faster.

Protect Joints. Reduce Injury.

Reduce injury risk by optimizing muscle performance, stabilizing joints, and maximizing shock absorption to protect your body from harmful, damaging forces.

Avoid Red Zone Training

By seeing your live step performance and overall session analysis, you can react immediately to injury red zone training or exercise.

Game-Changing Data

Access precise, real-time data about your body and performance—information that's never been available until now.

Optimize Performance

Having data that shows your deficits in technique provides significant insight for addressing weakness in technique, strength, training loads and performance.

Learn your Optimal Conditions

Observing live data about your step performance provides insight to the terrain, surface, inclines, footwear, time of day and training loads.

Can you answer these questions objectively?

With REAL data and evidence?

1. Which shoes and surfaces best support your performance and injury prevention?
2. Are you at risk of injury based on your speed, terrain, or footwear?
3. When is the best time for your body to walk or run?
4. How do your left or right leg compare in performance or shock absorption?
5. Have you fully recovered from your injury?
6. Do you know how to safely adjust your running load to meet your goals?

The simple answer is, currently you can't.

Get the answers with live data in the palm of your hand.


The sensor is positioned on the ankle, positioned on the accurate position of the body. The ankle sensor detects your body’s movement and sends this data via Bluetooth to your smartphone or smartwatch. Passing through filtering and our secret algorithm along the way.

Transform every step

This is the simplified summary screen of a runner who has gone for a 20 minute run on varying terrain.

Run data:

Date: 8/12/24


Surface: Concrete/Asphalt

Title: Mixed Terrain Run

Steps: 3050

Time: 20min 35sec

Avg Step Score: 5.0

The right leg (blue) is performing better than the left leg. Watch the video below to see the value of step-by-step analysis.

Attention Runners: Game-Changing Data!

Some people will be happy to analyze their step performance each session with their average score or the average score for each leg.

For those who want to analyze EVERY detail of EVERY step, you can determine your precise performance in different conditions, terrain or stages of fatigue!

You can also determine:

  • Live step-by-step analysis
  • If one leg is shock absorbing better than the other
  • How your body responds to different surfaces
  • The load through your body when running uphill or downhill
  • Which time of day you perform best
  • Which footwear allows you to shock absorb best

Attention Walkers: Every Step Matters!

For walkers, EVOLVE MVMT teaches you how to ‘light walk’. This involves you refining your heel strike, specifically by lightly placing your heel each step. This causes a cascade of positive benefits.

Burn more calories (energy)

When you focus on the one strategy of 'light walking', you're activating your leg and core muscles to perform exponentially better than they do naturally. Activating and using your muscles more means you burn more energy to fuel this extra muscle activity. Every person can optimise their walking technique and first-time users have been shown to burn up to 36% more calories with 20 minutes of treadmill walking when compared with their normal walking technique. (Cleveland Clinic USA and Monash University Australia)

Protect your joints

Increased muscle recruitment is improving the function of the shock absorbing and protective muscles in your core and legs. You can actually feel it when you trial light walking. With shock absorption, the leg muscles contract and lengthen as you strike your foot and take the weight of your body, this lengthening muscle contraction absorbs force in the muscles that would otherwise be transmitted into your bones and joints. EVOLVE MVMT’s light walking has shown up to 50% decrease in force. (La Trobe University Australia)

Learn how to 'light walk'

Make evidence based changes to optimize your performance and decrease your risk of injury.

Real Running Data


Observe the runner on a flat surface. 

You can see the runner averaging steps at 5.1 at the bottom right and also the steps landing at around the 5 mark on the live chart. 

10 elite shock absorption and performance, 1 is poor.

You can see a subtly higher performance on the right versus left leg.


Now running uphill. There is less requirement for shock absorption and you can see the increase in step performance with the average step being 6.1 in the bottom right corner.

With quite consistent step performance.


Now running downhill you can see the increase demand on shock absorption and the subsequent significant decrease in the average score being around 3.

Note also the high variation in step performance.

This is just the tip of the iceberg!